Don’t spend another day promising yourself you’ll get a ton of content created for your business… and then feeling guilty because you weren’t as productive as you wanted to be. (We are NOT going to miss out on LIFE for business work this year!) 🏖️

The mistake we’re making?

I’ve worked with thousands of entrepreneurs who spend tons of time creating top-of-funnel content, like social posts and blog posts.

🚫 Your working schedule should NOT look like this:

☀️ UNLESS you have:

Need to put those funnels in place? I’ve got you!

☀️Welcome to the Funnel Builder Club!!!! ☀️

Build 6 evergreen funnels with proven templates, trainings, and support!

Say goodbye to:

Marketing Without Social (1).png


When you join the Funnel Builder Club, we’ll build 2 funnels together each month (or faster if you’re feeling ambitious). By the end, you’ll have 6 funnels in place! (Plus bonus funnels and a cash injection!)

<aside> 🤩 Together, we’ll build these funnels with all of the templates, trainings, and support you need to get them done:

How It Works

You’ll receive a complete funnel package for 6 funnels, including:

<aside> 🤩 Plus you’ll get:

💫 Bonus 1: Back-to-School Cash Injection Challenge! Earn $1000 before September by following this day-by-day challenge.

💫 Bonus 2: ManyChat automation templates to help drive traffic to your funnels!
